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You are the Music: Sound Bath & Guided Meditation

You are the Music: Sound Bath & Guided Meditation

Immerse in soothing sounds, meditate, chant and bliss out


***Arrive approx. 10 minutes early to settle in.**

Prana House: Level 1/885 High St. Thornbury VIC, Australia

Immerse in the Experience:

Sound is the gateway to the soul, when we sit and listen, we begin to hear the silence between sounds. And as we do we are transported to other worlds and down into the depth of our soul.

The Astrology of the day:

With the Sun now in Taurus, the constellation that rules the ears, neck and throat, we are reminded that we are the music. That all is sound and that our own voice is a unique and beautiful symphony.

Taurus also represents our garden of delight, our home on earth and our physical embodiment. It rules over our senses, and our experience of pleasure, beauty and the wonder of life that we experience through touch, taste, smell, sound and sight.

The Sun here in this placement is talking to Uranus and the Moons North Node, asking us to take our ability to enjoy, experience and express to a new level.

What to expect:

Come join us for this Sound Bath and Guided Meditation and be gently guided into a relaxed state through breath, a chant to quiet your mind, and a guided meditation to melt you deeper into the experience.

From there we’ll immerse in the vibrations of a sound bath, which will create space for deep relaxation and the release of tension, stress, and stagnant or trapped emotions.

From this state of being, the mind, body, and spirit will have the opportunity to soothe, re-calibrate, and restore back to harmony.

Proven Benefits of Sound Therapy:

** Reduces stress and anxiety

** Improve immune and nervous system health

** Improves sleep and relaxation

** Boosts your mental, emotional and energetic state of being

** Helps release emotional tension

** Helps you maintaining a healthy spiritual and self-care practice

About Dreaming Moondance:

Dorothea Lucaci is a musician, astrologer, and intuitive healing artist. She has studied sound and music extensively with various teachers from different traditions across NYC, Melbourne and around the world over the past 7 years. She offers Sound, Mantra Chants, and Meditation events as well as bespoke private healing sessions using her vast expertise in Sound, Astrology, Reiki, Theta Healing, and other complementary Energy Medicine modalities.

Earlier Event: May 1
Activate Your Feminine Essence
Later Event: May 11
Heart Resonance Sound Immersion