Our Team


Georgia Karstens

Georgia has been a passionate yoga teacher working with students in Melbourne for over 20 years. She has specifically trained in Yin Yoga, Himalayan Singing Bowls & Special needs Yoga.

Georgia has since studied Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology, Lomilomi massage and Zen Shiatsu massage. Through this training, Georgia has deepened her practice, knowledge and understanding of the energetic body.

Her massage style incorporating the ancient Hawaiian Lomilomi techniques, utilises long sweeping strokes given with “Aloha”, unconditional love, to encourage the receiver’s own natural healing processes.  It is a holistic practice acknowledging the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of the body.

The addition of Shiatsu training works on the meridians via a deep tissue style massage which can help to clear energy imbalances through specific techniques and deep tissue penetration.  The intention is to bring the chi, that being “our vital life force energy” into a harmonious flow, for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy to come to balance.

She combines her intention and intuition to allow for the receiver’s highest healing, and gracefully incorporates the harmonising energetic effects of Himalayan Singing Bowls into the experience from time to time.



“Generally I find deep tissue massages very relaxing and calming. I had never heard of Lomi Lomi, this form of massage but I was open to it from the start. Georgia created a beautiful safe space for me, I immediately felt a safe connection and allowed myself to go with the experience.  After an incredible healing session, connecting me to my body and my deeper Soul, I felt tears of joy and self love. A must on your journey of healing”.

- Roula

“I received a meridian deep tissue massage from Georgia. I had been feeling a lot of sadness and it was hard for me to engage in relationships.  I wasn't sure what to expect and was a tad nervous. The massage brought out more emotions. It's really hard to describe what happened, but the next day I’m able to express myself. I have clarity about some personal issues that have been plaguing me. I’m feeling able to connect to people without fear and without shame. It’s been a transformative experience.”

- Alex


Rebecca Bigot

Bec provides two beautifully nurturing holistic facials, a 1 hour hydrating facial designed to nourish and restore. This is perfect for anyone suffering from dehydration, dryness, sensitivity or anyone needing an hour of relaxation. 

Also a 90 minutes of bliss Age Embrace facial, designed to target aging concerns organically including a scalp, hand or foot massage which will send you to heaven and back.

Bec brings in beautiful aromatherapy sensory journeys, breath, meditation, sound bowls and the powerful healing energy of crystals and energetic healing to her treatments to nurture the nervous system and promote full body holistic healing.

Bec studied the diploma of beauty in 2009 because she had a passion for making people feel beautiful, nurtured, healed and cared for. Across the last 15 she has worked at a variety of 5 star spas across Australia and in England. More recently, Bec has worked in the education sector delivering the diploma of beauty therapy at Endota wellness college, she is passionate about educating future therapists on providing exceptional client care with a holistic approach to beauty. She is a strong believer in educating students and clients to understand that beauty and confidence starts within- beauty is not just skin deep!

Bec has also studied reiki in India, loves to perform sound healing and is currently studying the EMK modality in kinesiology which she will be bringing to Prana House later this year.