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Activate Your Feminine Essence

Activate Your Feminine Essence

An in person event, a sacred and safe space, to take a moment to stop and honour you and the women around you.


This event is for YOU! Why? Because, when do you take the time to stop and do something for you? When do you let go of control and surrender to what your heart may truly desire? When do you say no to everyone else and YES to you? Now is the time. It's time to honour you!

Amy and Pavla are coming together again to connect women back to themselves through the power of group connection, self awareness, self love and healing.

Join us in this safe and sacred space for women, as we guide you to:

~ Get out of your head and into your body

~ Remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of life

~ Feel safe to let go and surrender

~ Honour yourself

~ Open your heart

~ Embrace all of you with unconditional love

~ Activate your goddess within

On the day of the new moon, a time for new beginnings and setting new intentions, we couldn’t be more excited to hold this space and bring women together to activate their true power.

What you will receive:

  • Wisdom and awareness around Feminine and Masculine energy

  • Tools to help you shift into your Feminine Essence

  • Bringing awareness, healing and connection to Mother Earth, our own mother and our children

  • Offering and gratitude New Moon ritual

  • A powerful group healing with Pavla, clearing you of any blocks and unwanted energy, allowing space for your feminine essence to activate

  • Tools to help you continue your healing and activation journey

  • Tea and wholesome treats

We ask you to bring an open mind and heart, ready to surrender into what is ready for you to awaken.​

Spaces are limited to keep an intimate setting.

We hope you can join us.

Pavla & Amy x