6 Things You Should do When You Start Feeling Signs of a Cold/Virus - Jacqueline Perri, Naturopath
It seems the dreaded winter lurgy has got most of us at some stage throughout this winter so far! Resident Naturopath, Jacqueline Perri is sharing her hints and tips on how best to support your body this winter season!
1. Rest and wind down Say no to that dinner you had organised with friends, call in sick to work if possible. Your body is telling you that it is trying to fight something off, it needs energy to do this. Listen to your body and rest so it can do its job properly!
2. Drink peppermint tea- Enjoying a cup or two of peppermint tea at the first sign of a cold can be a great way to relieve congestion and nip a cold in the bud!
3. Be prepared and have vitamins, minerals and herbs on hand for times when you feel a cold/virus coming on. Vitamin C and Echinacea work best at the first sign of infection and can prevent a virus from coming on hard and fast. Vitamin D is a great anti-inflammatory and supports your Respiratory System. Zinc is also extremely effective for fighting viruses.
4. Sleep- have an early night and get some much needed shut eye. Lack of sleep will directly depress your immune system.
5. The wet socks on the feet trick- Firstly, soak your feet in warm water until they turn pink. Put on a pair of cold, wet, wrung out cotton socks. Cover the wet socks with a pair of dry thick, woolly socks. Then hop into bed for the night and let the magic happen. The science behind the wet socks on the feet trick is that blood circulation is increased in reaction to the cold, wet socks, which in turn boosts the immune system and decreases congestion. This is a simple thing to do at home and doesn’t cost a cent. For this to be most effective, is It is best to do at the initial stages of a cold/virus.
6. Chicken soup for the soul (and the immune system!) Eating chicken soup when you are sick is not just an old wives tale. There is science behind its immune enhancing properties. A bowl of chicken soup can reduce inflammation, loosen mucus and help enhance the response of your immune system. Check out our amazing recipe below for a delicious chicken broth.
Whilst we are on the topic of food, avoid dairy and refined sugar completely at the first sign of a cold. These foods can produce more mucous and depress your immune system. Lastly, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of pure water as well as honey, ginger and lemon in hot water. This concoction will keep you warm and boost your immune system.
HOT TIP- Add shitake mushrooms to your chicken soup. Shiitake mushrooms have amazing immune enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties. And they add a lovely flavour to your soup!