Evangeline Stoios


Teaching Certificates or Qualifications

350 hr Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training

Julie Gargano - Prana House

200 hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

Alakh Yoga School - Rishikesh, India

25 hr Yin Yoga Training

Divine Journeys - Good Folk Yoga

Traumatic Stress and the Breath Training

Jane Clapp

About Me

Hey there, my pronouns are she/they &; I’m a reverent lover of moving and creating.

I’m a multidisciplinary artist and also run my own therapeutic practice in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling & Embodiment. I love to swim in the ocean, cook beautiful food with friends, enjoy music and dancing and to explore the world.

Yoga Influences

Moving with feeling, intention and compassion for self, always, is my main influence. I am informed by my rich &; varied trainings in the yogic tradition, my background as a trained actor & dancer and my reverence for making safe spaces for the body to just sigh out &; be.


Teaching Style

I hold space with strength and loving-kindness. Everything is always an invitation to connect in with self. My classes are held together with the thread of cultivating a relationship with our own presence. I like to hold reverence who we are & how we show up right here and now. A yoga class with me will be soft & strong, fluid &; cathartic, mindful &; restful. My teachings are mainly yin or restorative vinyasa based to soothe our nervous system.

Why do you practice yoga?

Because it brings me home to myself. Always, always.

Why do you teach?

To create safe spaces for people and bodies to feel & just be. To hold a space for folks to connect to their presence & come home to self. To facilitate a place for community to heal and come together.

Favourite Asana?

Goddess pose – lets stand in our strength, open our hearts and ground into the earth.

Rebecca Pugh