Erotic Intelligence: the language of her sex, heart, mind and soul
Join us for Erotic Intelligence, an intimate and unforgettable women's workshop of healing and connection. An opportunity to delve into the intricacies of desire and the polarities of pain and pleasure, as we unravel the mysteries of the language that speaks through your sex, heart, mind, and soul.
Our sexuality is an ever evolving expression and manifestation of how we perceive ourselves and how we relate to the outside world. Your Kundalini is your sexual energy, it is your life-force energy - the energy that creates, sustains and heals life and it holds the key to deep transformation and connection to higher states of consciousness.
In order to activate and allow your Kundalini to safely rise and support you in creating the life you want, we support you to first work with the things that stand in your way - stress, trauma and dense emotional energy that have been stored in the body.
In a world where female expression of sexuality has been, and still is primarily dominated by Patriarchal conditioning, we are now witnessing a shift in consciousness, a reclamation of internal power and change on a cellular, emotional and energetic level for the feminine, and we both truly believe that as this energy comes back into balance, so does human consciousness and the energy of the mother Gaia herself.
This workshop is an opportunity to journey to places and pieces of you perhaps long forgotten or that have been up til now unsafe to feel. This is a journey of self-discovery, self acceptance and self love that will leave you feeling lighter and more inspired.
You will be mindfully led through practices to reconnect, reinvigorate and come back to your body, and out of your head, using breath, movement, sound, energy and more, you will engage and interact with yourself in ways that will empower you to embrace your own Erotic Intelligence and in doing so begin to heal what stands in the way of Kundalini safely rising and supporting you to create and live the life you want.
This is an opportunity to deepen your understanding and expand the expression of the language that speaks through your sex, heart, head, and soul - your Erotic Intelligence.
Please note: this workshop is women only and is strictly drug and alchohol free, breath & kundalini work is not recommended for people with a personal history of mental illness, personality disorders, hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis, suicidality, psychosis, drug or alcohol addiction.