Georgia Kelly


Teaching Certificates or Qualifications

200hour Yoga Teacher Training with Nicole Walsh

Classically trained dancer (ballet, jazz, tap and contemporary dance)

Trained Actor with the 16th Street Actors Studio

About Me

I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Nicole Walsh at her Sydney studio, InYoga. I practised as a dedicated student at InYoga for four years before taking the leap to do my teacher training there as well. I have a background as a classically trained dancer, having studied ballet, jazz, tap and contemporary dance for many years. As well as teaching yoga I am also a working actor, having trained at 16th Street Actors Studio. My aim is for my students to develop understanding and ownership over their own body and practice so that they may enrich their lives how they wish. I take care to be very clear and specific with my instructions so as to create a strong foundation from which my students can express themselves and play. I love to help students release stagnant energy and work through trauma held in the body. I believe everyone deserves to feel good in themselves, and that’s my goal as a yogic guide. The feedback I often get is that my classes can be challenging but fun, and are somehow just what you needed!

Yoga Influences

Nicole Walsh from InYoga - she has been very inspiring to me in the way she teaches; her classes are grounded in so much yogic knowledge and experience.

Amy Giuliano - from Selph studio, Amy has this incredibly specific style of teaching that makes you feel very held, able to rest when you need to and then able step up to challenges that you didn’t expect of yourself. I often cry in her classes! Very powerful.


Teaching Style

My classes are friendly, invitational, and merge precise alignment with intuitive movement. I believe in the accessibility of yoga practice; I am careful to check in with each student regarding their prior experience and if they have any injuries or special requirements and then offer modifications as we go.

Why do you practice yoga?

Yoga felt like a natural progression for me after coming from the dance world, yet it took a few years for me to find the teachers and a style of yoga that really spoke to me and held my interest. The perfectionist aspect of dance was at once exciting and alienating, and whilst I hold that discipline in incredibly high regard, I personally craved a way of expressing movement that connected me more deeply to my soul and was less attached to external validation or the concepts of achievement I had been taught to value. Yoga helps me work through the challenges of life, creating a personal baseline from which I can process the lows, the highs, and the mundane. I love how yoga grows with me and will continue to evolve as I move through different phases of life.

Why do you teach?

When I was practicing yoga as a student it never occurred to me to teach, I simply enjoyed being a student. However, one day in a class, my teacher guided us through a practice for “clarity” and I had an epiphany that I was going to become a teacher, so I did! I just suddenly knew it was the right time. Teaching has deepened my love of yoga because every day I see the affect it can have on people’s lives. My favourite aspect of teaching is my regular students; seeing their practice grow and develop, their body awareness, their strength and flexibility, their shift in energy, their deepening relationship to themselves and source. Facilitating and bearing witness to the development of my students is so energising and helps me be truly present and joyful in each and every class. It’s an honour to be able to share this with others. It’s an honour to teach.

Favourite Asana?

It really is hard to pick one! I do love Warrior II or Virabhadrasana II – it’s such a powerful dynamic pose, full of ambition, drive and focus. I love how it takes up space and is at once expansive and grounding. A classic!

Rebecca Pugh