Tonahtiu Popoca-Luck


Teaching Certificates or Qualifications

Yoga Alliance 200hr TTC Hatha

Rishikesh 2015, 2018 (400hrs)

About Me

Yoga has always been present in my life growing up in one form or another; through my Mother and her friends. However it wasn’t until I first went to India before it really spoke to me. I had the great fortune of learning from a really speacial human, teacher and now friend.

I came to Yoga carrying injuries and tension in my body and walked away feeling full of light , rejuvenated and strong. As I delved deeper into my practice I discovered the more subtle benefits of the Yoga such as mental clarity and patience. Also a deep compassion for myself and other beings.

Yoga Influences

Surinder Singh,Swasti Yoga

Peter Cohen

Kundalini Yoga


Teaching Style

Slow moving ,strength based, breath based practice

Why do you practice yoga?

Life long journey from the self through the self to the self. Strength and integration of the body mind and heart

Why do you teach?

It is my wish as a teacher to share the light and peace that I have found through the weaving together of breath and movement. Also tools of patience and clarity we all need to ride the waves of life.
Tonahtiu has travelled to India the birthplace of Yoga to train under the humble Guru Surinder Singh in the Hatha Tradition. A slow moving spiritual based practice adapted from the Sutras of the sage Patanjali.

Favourite Asana?

Ahdo muka svanasana

Rebecca Pugh